Products for male enhancement. What should men eat

Many great men were interested in how to improve their sexual abilities. Yes, and our contemporaries are constantly looking for a magic product for a stable erection.

It must be said that food can bring to our health both great benefits and irreparable harm. Therefore, we carefully examine the refrigerator and remove everything superfluous so that foods for male potency form the basis of your diet.

Harmful products

If you decide to increase your potency with the help of a diet, you must first find out what is most harmful to male potency. First of all, to improve potency, it is worth abandoning smoked meats and sausages. Since almost all products are made from artificial substances, which are very toxic and adversely affect the work of male testicles.

Next comes alcohol. All alcoholic beverages negatively affect the production of the male hormone - testosterone. All sweets and sugary drinks. Sugar contributes to poor sperm production as well as general fluid loss in the body. Frequent consumption of fatty milk reverses the work of the hormonal background. A large amount of female hormones are produced.

You will also have to give up fast food, which reduces testosterone production. You will need to exclude all fatty foods that contain cholesterol. High cholesterol can lead to blockage of blood vessels, which is a direct pathway to impotence.

Vegetarians should pay particular attention to their diet. Complete exclusion of meat from the diet can adversely affect men's health. At the same time, if you replace meat with soy, there will be an excessive accumulation of female sex hormones.

Foods harmful to potency are found in the daily diet of most men. Even the abuse of regular coffee can lead to erection problems. This happens due to excessive splashing of adrenaline into the blood after drinking coffee and many energy drinks. It is this substance that gives vigor, but then lowers testosterone levels, which leads to health problems in men.

healthy food recipes

Nutrition to increase male potency should consist of a large amount of protein, and also contain zinc, B vitamins and substances that improve blood circulation.

Here are some popular and effective recipes:

  1. chinese recipe. You need to take 100 gr. lean pork, the same amount of tomato and squid, as well as 50 gr. Garlic. Mix the ingredients and boil in half a liter of water for one hour. Take once every two weeks.
  2. Any cooking with cilantro is considered an excellent tool for increasing potency and increasing libido.
  3. Cheese, which contains B vitamins, should be added to all salads.
  4. For dessert, nuts with honey are perfect.
  5. You can feed your man with oysters - this is a storehouse of useful substances; they go very well with vegetables in many salads.
  6. Braised flounder. Can be boiled; it contains all the useful substances that are responsible for male power. The main thing is not to fry it, because food fried in oil contains a large amount of carcinogens, and this is a direct path to cancer, including prostate cancer.
fish to improve potency

Products that increase potency

Products used to increase potency in men are divided into several groups. They can be combined with each other, the menu can be changed and supplemented, since there are no specific recommendations for drawing up a diet.

All products that increase potency in men are divided into:

  • prostate protectors;
  • exciting;
  • repairman;
  • antioxidants.


meat for power

Red meat stimulates the production of testosterone, a hormone that directly affects potency.

The rating of useful products for potency in men is headed by meat. In general, the basis of the diet of a healthy man should be precisely protein foods. It improves testosterone production, serves as a "building material" for muscles, increases endurance.

Useful meat products:

  • any red meat;
  • Liver of beef;
  • beef heart;
  • chicken offal.

Red meat, especially beef or veal, is recommended for men to eat daily. The recommended amount is 200 g per day.

Organ meats should be present in the diet - liver, tongue or heart, who prefers what more. They should be consumed at least 2 times a week.

Chicken for men's health is less useful than beef, but it is not forbidden to use it. As far as possible, only red meat is preferred. At the same time, a large amount of meat in the daily diet improves testosterone synthesis and is undesirable for men over 60, as it can lead to the development of prostate adenoma.

The permissible daily intake of red meat for men under 50 is 200-250 g, for men over 50 - 175 g.


Seafood is a valuable source of unsaturated fats, vitamin B, zinc and amino acids. Men are useful:

  • goldfish;
  • shrimp;
  • oysters and mussels;
  • St. Jacques shells;
  • octopuses;
  • algae.

Some of these products are powerful aphrodisiacs, these potency-enhancing products can be consumed daily and immediately before intercourse. There are no restrictions on eating power foods except meat, so you can eat as much seafood as you want.

The best seafood for potency are oysters, mussels, and seaweed. It is recommended to use them at least twice a week. Seaweed requires moderation because it contains a lot of iodine. The daily norm does not exceed 100 g, and various salads can be prepared from it. Seafood with olive oil and lemon juice is very useful for men - all these products increase potency.

oysters for potency

Seafood is a powerful aphrodisiac for men and women


As already mentioned, any protein food stimulates an erection. Thinking about foods that increase potency, many do not consider chicken eggs. In addition to the fact that they contain many useful substances, they very quickly increase their potency, so they can be used immediately before sexual intercourse.

A multi-egg omelet with herbs and red pepper is a means of emergency erection stimulation, which is recommended to be used before a romantic date. All products included in this dish are extremely useful for male potency, have a tonic effect and give a charge of vivacity and strength.

Eggs should be eaten at least three times a week. The recommended amount does not exceed 2 eggs per day, as abuse can adversely affect the functioning of the liver.

Quail eggs are no less useful for potency. You can use them three times a week, 5 eggs each. It should be noted that all products intended to improve potency can be combined with each other. It will help to create a healthy and tasty menu for every day.


Foods rich in B vitamins and extremely useful for potency are nuts. First of all, regular nuts have health value. Cashews, peanuts, almonds - these are all products that positively affect male potency, which can and should be included in your daily diet.

One of the most effective recipes is walnuts with honey. To prepare the product, you need to mix a glass of chopped nuts with two glasses of honey, mix well and refrigerate for three days. Then the remedy is taken daily for 3 tbsp. You can do this at any time. No less useful is a dessert of nuts and honey just before intercourse.

For men over 60, the following prescription is recommended. Mix 200 g of walnuts, raisins, prunes, dried apricots and pour over two glasses of honey. Mix everything well and consume three large spoons a day. The tool increases power and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

nuts for potency

The leader among nuts in terms of benefits for men - walnuts


In fact, the list of useful products for potency can be continued indefinitely. Any healthy food will benefit the male body. Perhaps the leaders in the number of useful vitamins are citrus fruits - lemons, grapefruits, oranges. They contain antioxidants, a large amount of vitamin C and have a tonic effect.

If there is no allergy, it is recommended to eat a different citrus fruit per day. You can make juice out of it. For example, the freshly squeezed juice of half a grapefruit and a whole orange will give you a boost of vivacity and energy, while putting you in a romantic mood.

Citrus fruits are recommended to eat during the day. They should also be consumed before sexual intercourse, especially if fatigue sets in. Thanks to the tonic effect of freshly squeezed orange juice, there will be no traces of fatigue, and the potency will noticeably increase.

  • roast beef tenderloin with orange jam;
  • baked mackerel with lemon sauce;
  • fresh vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice.

There are many tasty and healthy recipes from products that charge you with good energy and increase potency. The listed products can be combined, spoiling you with a new tasty and healthy dish every day.

pumpkin seeds

After determining which foods increase potency, you should know that you can also increase male potency using ordinary pumpkin seeds. This product is a powerful protector of the prostate, protects against the development of prostatitis, improves potency and is the best preventive measure against the development of erectile dysfunction.

Pumpkin seeds are recommended for all men over 50. In addition to a positive effect on erectile function, this simple and tasty product strengthens the whole body as a whole and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Pumpkin seeds are a valuable source of vitamins and minerals, and getting them is not difficult. You can use them in several ways.

  1. Flavor any food for male potency with pumpkin seed oil - this way the food will acquire a spicy taste, and the erection will noticeably increase.
  2. Eat half a glass of raw pumpkin seeds daily for two months.
  3. Add seeds to morning oatmeal, yogurt, kefir and homemade cakes.
  4. Use the seeds with honey, after cleaning them and mixing them in equal parts with liquid natural honey. The recommended amount is 2 large scoops per day.

Pumpkin seed oil is intended to season salads. It can also be added to cereals, but it is not recommended to fry it, since when heated it loses its beneficial properties.

Pumpkin for men is useful in all its forms. It is a product that has a positive effect on potency, which has an effect on the prostate and hormonal levels. Pumpkin can be baked with honey, boiled, added to cereal. Delicious and healthy juices are obtained from the pulp.

pumpkin seeds for potency

Pumpkin seeds can be eaten daily to prevent male diseases


Strengthening potency will help products that enhance immunity and have an antioxidant effect, such as tomatoes. Fresh and sun-dried tomatoes contain many beneficial vitamins for men. Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of tomatoes reduces the risk of prostate cancer in older men.

Useful products for men that help increase potency are meat and tomatoes. They can be baked or boiled together, stewed, stewed tomato vegetable sauces for beef.


Having determined which products increase male strength and affect potency, you need to pay attention to spices. Black pepper is especially useful for men. It improves blood circulation, stimulates blood flow to the genitals and has a tonic effect. Ground pepper can be added to meat, salads, cereals, cooked vegetables. It is very useful to drink coffee with pepper - this drink helps to increase erection.

Chili peppers are no less useful for men. To increase potency, it is better to eat it before meals, but in small quantities. Fresh hot pepper contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals, but loses its properties after heat treatment.

chili for potency

Beans, onions and herbs

A large amount of B vitamins contains almost all legumes. List of products for erection and male potency:

  • peas;
  • Beans;
  • Lenses.

Since these foods pose a serious challenge to the stomach, they should not be abused, but they should not be completely excluded from the diet. The best solution would be to consume legumes 1 to 2 times a week for about 200 g.

Ordinary onions will protect against impotence. It can be added to any food during cooking or consumed in its pure form. It contains essential oils that stimulate erection by increasing libido.

A real storehouse of vitamins for men's health is fresh parsley. It is recommended to combine it with eggs, tomatoes, salads, meat. In addition, the juice of tomatoes, celery and a few sprigs of parsley will be an excellent tool for an emergency increase in potency before sexual intercourse.

rosehip decoction for potency

Healthy drinks

Having figured out what foods useful for potency should be consumed regularly, you need to think about what drinks impotence succumbs to. These include:

  • black coffee;
  • Orange juice;
  • berry drinks;
  • vegetable juice;
  • green tea;
  • rosehip decoction.

It is useful to add spices to coffee - cardamom, thyme, cloves, black pepper. Such a drink will be an excellent natural substitute for drugs, as it stimulates sexual desire.

Rosehip decoction is also useful for men. It contains a huge amount of vitamin C and is a powerful antioxidant. The decoction should be taken two to three times a week. To prepare, you need to pour a tablespoon of fruit with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, then cover and wait for it to cool. A glass of decoction is designed to be taken in a day.

Rosehip will increase potency and protect against colds

Products harmful to potency

Those who care about their own health should avoid the following foods and beverages:

  • sourdough bread;
  • smoked meats;
  • semi-finished products;
  • cream confectionery;
  • Beer;
  • alcohol in large quantities;
  • too fatty foods.

Any sweets with a lot of cream increase the level of female hormones. This negatively affects potency, especially in older men. Beer has a similar effect, so it should be abandoned.

Menu correction is recommended primarily to prevent the development of age-related potency problems. Adding healthy foods to the diet will not get rid of existing impotence or restore an erection, but it will help maintain potency for many years.

What can harm potency

Before you start choosing products for potency, you need to understand the main reasons for its deterioration.

Male potency can aggravate the following:

  1. Neurological problems: autoimmune diseases, sclerosis, epilepsy.
  2. Psychological problems: stressful situations, increased irritability, depression, fatigue.
  3. Damage to the genitals or pelvic organs.

All of the above factors instantly affect potency.

Some foods also pose a danger to male potency. Due to their regular use, erections will gradually deteriorate, so it is recommended to remove them from your diet.

These include:

  1. Alcoholic beverages. They negatively affect the sexual sphere and the performance of the testicles. Be careful when drinking alcohol, because sometimes the abuse of these drinks ends in impotence.
  2. Meat with a lot of fat. Such food is very dangerous for men at any age. If you eat fatty meat too often, the amount of testosterone in the body will begin to decrease. It is this hormone that is responsible for the functioning of the genitals.
  3. Salt. Almost all foods contain salt, and therefore it will not be possible to completely refuse it. However, if possible, it is better not to eat very salty foods.

Top 5 of the best dishes

Having decided on the reasons for the deterioration of erection, it is necessary to determine what you need to eat to increase potency. There are the top five products that increase potency. This list will help you choose the most useful foods and dishes for male potency.

camel stomach

Among the products for improving potency, camel stomach should be distinguished, which has helped many men. Thanks to him, male strength increases almost the same as after the use of drugs. However, this product is very difficult to obtain, so not every man has a chance to try camel stomach.

For many years, people have been stimulating erections with this product. The first peoples who began to use it to increase potency in men were the Bedouins and the Mongols.

The camel's stomach does not last long and is therefore eaten before intercourse or a few hours before it begins. Stimulants will act immediately, and the result will not have to wait long.

A rather useful alcohol tincture can be prepared from the stomach of a camel. To do this, pour 100 g of camel meat with a liter of vodka and leave to infuse for 2-3 weeks. It is recommended to store the prepared liquid in a cool, dark room.

girl feeds man healthy food


The list of products for maintaining and increasing potency also includes oysters. The diet of any male health-conscious young man should include this product. Oysters should be eaten, they contain natural amino acids. The impact of these components strengthens the erection and increases the amount of sperm. Oysters also contain lopamine to boost libido.

Many scientists claim that in the spring, oysters have an increased amount of amino acids with zinc. Thus, shellfish caught in the spring will be a good libido stimulant.

Men are advised to eat this dish only raw. The fact is that high temperatures during heat treatment contribute to the destruction of the most useful elements. Before eating oysters, it is recommended to sprinkle them with lemon juice, which will improve the taste of the dish.

It should be noted that oysters do not always help to increase potency. Too frequent consumption of shellfish does not always have a positive effect on health. The fact is that oysters contain mercury, and therefore such dishes sometimes negatively affect potency. Also, the use of this product to increase potency in men should be abandoned to people suffering from diabetes and having problems with immunity and acidity.


Some men's diet includes flounder. Many do not even know about the beneficial properties of this fish and consider it a very tasty food. However, plaice dishes improve libido and have a positive effect on human health in general.

The composition of this fish includes vitamins and other trace elements that improve male erection. In addition, plaice contains proteins and active substances that improve male potency.

There are various recipes for cooking dishes from this fish. For better preservation of all useful trace elements, it is recommended to boil, stew or steam it. After the product is ready, it is necessary to immediately stop the heat treatment.

Flounder is useful not only for the male half of the population, but also for women. The fact is that it has dietary properties, so it can be used to get rid of excess weight.

flounder for power


Mackerel can be distinguished among products to increase potency. It contains a considerable amount of omega acids. They participate in the formation of testosterone, on which male sexual abilities largely depend. Mackerel also contains a lot of iodine and phosphorus, which increase sexual desire.

Men's diet should include boiled mackerel. After all, it is the cooked product that is most effective in the treatment of sexual weakness.

mackerel for power


Turnips are among the best libido enhancing products. The vegetable contains substances and trace elements that contribute to better testosterone production. Useful is not only a vegetable, but also its seeds. Turnip seeds stimulate the appearance of sexual desires and improve potency. The same effect can be achieved if boiled turnips are included in your diet in a small amount.

You can also prepare a special healing mixture from turnips. To do this, you need to grate it and mix it with grated carrots. Then all this is mixed and poured with rare honey. The prepared solution is used 2-3 times a day before meals.

herbal products

Of all the existing aphrodisiac products, foods of plant origin particularly stand out.

First of all, you need to include nut plants and various seeds in your diet. Nuts such as: peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts contain a lot of zinc, phosphorus and selenium, which affects the increase in potency. Among the seeds, we can distinguish: sunflower and pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, carrot seeds.

Secondly, fruits should be added to the diet: citrus fruits, pomegranates, pears and apples. The last two products contain a lot of zinc, citrus fruits contain vitamins, essential oils and ascorbic acid. According to pomegranate, statistics have shown that 47% of men who drink the juice of this type of fruit daily have significantly increased their male potency in this way.

It is also useful to eat bananas, the consumption of which has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and a healthy heart is the key to a full and long sex life. The use of exotic fruits is not prohibited, for example, avocados, papaya, pineapples, figs, dates.

Third, the food should contain vegetables, especially all kinds of onions. Even in Roman times, Pliny the Elder said: "The bow pushes even lazy men into the arms of Venus". And later, scientists proved the increased content of onion in substances that improve potency.

Fourth, legumes: beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils. These products contain a sufficient amount of vitamin B, which actively affects the contractility of blood vessels and the filling of the pelvic organs with blood, and, accordingly, the work of the male genital area.

And of course, male power is corrected by such a product as fragrant greens: coriander, mint, nettle, parsley. And hot spices: ginger root and pepper.


Sexual weakness worries many men, especially in adulthood. To get rid of this problem, you need to trust the rating of food products to increase potency and adjust your diet. You can also watch a video that lists and describes erection enhancing products.

Every man wants to be a man in the full sense of the word. The main male hormone is testosterone, it contains masculine qualities: strength and confidence. Closer to the age of thirty, the level of testosterone in the male body begins to drop. Many methods have been developed to increase the amount of this male hormone in a man's body. Some are selflessly engaged in yoga and relaxation, others go to the gym regularly, but few men know that low testosterone is easily corrected by the right diet, which includes the right products for male power.